I'm a product of my environment, upbringing, education, social class, and birthplace. So much about my surroundings and environment shape who I am. It's difficult to think outside this sphere I live in. What's even more interesting, is how I put God within this sphere as well. I can't help it. It's a part of how I was created. I have to think in terms of my sphere.
I say this to give a reason as to why I think the way I do. I have a version of God that I have found "liveable" and within the possibility of relational. This has been a difficult task for me over the last 7 years. I have often been angry at God, or just denied his existence. Scripture doesn't make this any easier. There are things in Scripture that point to a version of God that I don't like. It's one that I have difficulty accepting, or at least the general interpretation of Him.
So here's my question, do you think it's okay to live life this way? Is this irreverant? Should I just accept the standard knowledge and practice of what's around me and fall in line to a picture of God that is very likely to be true... even though it upsets me to the point of anger and frustration? My version of who God is doesn't deny what he's told us about himself in Scripture, it just chooses to look at him though a different lens than normal. It's a lens that allows me to trust, to build a relationship upon. It isn't heretical, and it isn't ignoring scripture, it's just different.