Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Version of God

I'm a product of my environment, upbringing, education, social class, and birthplace. So much about my surroundings and environment shape who I am. It's difficult to think outside this sphere I live in. What's even more interesting, is how I put God within this sphere as well. I can't help it. It's a part of how I was created. I have to think in terms of my sphere.

I say this to give a reason as to why I think the way I do. I have a version of God that I have found "liveable" and within the possibility of relational. This has been a difficult task for me over the last 7 years. I have often been angry at God, or just denied his existence. Scripture doesn't make this any easier. There are things in Scripture that point to a version of God that I don't like. It's one that I have difficulty accepting, or at least the general interpretation of Him.

So here's my question, do you think it's okay to live life this way? Is this irreverant? Should I just accept the standard knowledge and practice of what's around me and fall in line to a picture of God that is very likely to be true... even though it upsets me to the point of anger and frustration? My version of who God is doesn't deny what he's told us about himself in Scripture, it just chooses to look at him though a different lens than normal. It's a lens that allows me to trust, to build a relationship upon. It isn't heretical, and it isn't ignoring scripture, it's just different.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Enough Serious Stuff

My last few posts have been pretty serious in nature and it's time for a change. If you haven't had a chance to check out this blog... do. It's one of the funniest sites I've seen in a long time. (As a warning, it can get PG-13/R rated so be forewarned. Most of it's clean though.)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"My Perspective" on perspectives

I think too much. I like to dig deep, figure out, question, rant, rave, and basically just discuss things. It's because I process information better when I discuss it. I work through things in conversation. I know a lot of people who are like me.

That got me thinking. Why is it that most teaching is done in one particular style that enhances only part of the audience's ability to process the information being shared?

What would that look like in a church? For so long, the only medium that was available for teaching was the traditional method of preaching, or group discussion. But technology allows us to do so much more and I see the church embracing this. That's a good thing.

However (and you knew there'd be a caveat), I find it strange that we don't apply this same thinking to who gives information and what sources it comes from. We have the ability to gather massive amounts of information instantly yet we somehow think the best method is to continue to get one perspective in the same learning style over, and over, and over. Yes, I know the pastor usually sources lots of material and gathers information for their speech, but it still is just one perspective on that particular information.

What would it look like when ideas that are shared are contributed by those involved in the community, or even outside the community? How effective would it be for all learning mediums to be explored and options for each so that everyone has a choice to learn in the style that is best suited for them? Would it be powerful to empower and hold people responsible for their contribution to the group. Would this in turn benefit everyone? How could you place filters in the process without shutting everyone out?

I have no idea whether these things would work or not. I'm still processing it all. Just wanted to share and gather ideas.

Monday, August 11, 2008


So I'm sitting in church yesterday and we all had the privilege of listening to a guy who is a spokesperson for a wonderful ministry called Manna Worldwide. I'm a big fan of ministries and organizations that look to provide the necessities of life for those locally and around the world that don't have the opportunities that we have. If you haven't had a chance to check them out... do (don't mind the cheesy music on their website).

Anyways, it got me thinking of God and his provisions or lack thereof. I can honestly say I don't get it. I've had the privilege to have to rely on faith for my family's provisions for two years now. It's been a roller coaster ride but I know that God has provided. Most of the time, in the nick of time (less than $3 in the bank account) and I don't understand why he keeps blessing. Maybe it's a generational thing. My parents have been unbelievably faithful throughout their life. Maybe it's because of faith, or because that even when we didn't have money, we gave and fulfilled our commitments. I don't know, but I'm not sure I know what to make of it.

We are one of the most wasteful, self-seeking nations in the world, but also one of the most charitable. But is our time of prosperity running out? It reminds me of a song by Ben Folds that goes "God made us number one cause he loves us the best, but maybe he should bless someone else for a while and give us a rest.."

Don't you think other parts of the world deserve a little "blessing" from God? I know this is absolutely futile to think of this stuff. I can't know the answers. I guess it all goes back to the question that has brought me out of a lot of places in life and that is.... Do I trust that God is who He says He is?

So my question is, do you ever feel guilty about the things you have? Even with the little bit that some of us have, it's so much more than the vast majority of the world. How much is too much? Obviously God can bless beyond measure (solomon). Maybe this system wasn't designed for equal measure. All i know is that I'll never figure it out. If I do, look for me on TBN or at a church near you.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Busy Times

I was looking back and noticed that I haven't been blogging as often. I'm sorry for the one or two of you that check this out on a frequent basis. Things have been a little crazy here. We just launched a new product called KidCheck. It's security check-in/check-out for daycares. I must admit that the response has been a welcome change from the crickets chirping that was experienced with our last product offering.

I don't have anything substantive to offer today (not sure if anything i've offered could be classified as that either). Just wanted to check in and make sure to update this thing. I'll be posting more over the next few days. I look forward to the continued dialogues and thoughts as I share my journey with you all.