I've been thinking about this subject a bit. Yes, I know, I think about odd things but that's just the way I'm wired. Hell is such a controversial topic and I'm going to throw my hat into the ring of fire (no pun intended... well it was intended).
I have a hard time with the idea of hell. What I am going to present is merely an opinion built out of necessity and not necessarily founded on anything other than my paradigm. Hell seems ridiculous to me. Or at least the version of hell that I was taught my entire life (biblically based mind you.. not some weirdo faction or fringe view of hell). The idea of eternally punishing someone for choices made in an insignificant time period (when considered in the midst of eternity) doesn't add up to what the New Testament teaches us about forgiveness, love, etc.
Here's my deal, I find it hard to believe that God would expect us to uphold a standard that He isn't willing to uphold himself. Case in point, God tells us to forgive 70 x 7 times when someone wrongs you. We are supposed to turn the other cheek, we are supposed to give a thief our tunic if they take our cloak (or something like that). But wrong God once, and He will have none of it. Bam, you are doomed to fire and brimstone.
This doesn't add up to me. So what did I do? I came up with my own "hell" perspective. It happens to follow C.S. Lewis' line of thinking in "The Great Divorce" Hell is intended for those that choose to be there. Those who do not, are not limited to a finite time frame in which to make a choice.
Is this accurate? Is it biblical? I'm not sure. I know it isn't heretical (to most) but I also know it doesn't follow most people's view or upbringing. I really don't care about that. What I do care about is reconciling God's love and forgiveness with an idea of cruel and unusual punishment.
I know how the comments are going to go. I've heard them all. "But Phil, you're not God and his ways are perfect. Therefore if he chooses to do something, it's good and we need to 'Trust' his ways." Here's another one: "Where can you back that up in Scripture? The Bible speaks of fire, torture, hell, etc. for those who don't believe". And finally: "Are you a universalist?".
I'm not going to take the time to answer all of these right now. I have thought through these objections and many more, and that is why I'm comfortable with my position. However, I do not think I have it figured out. I don't claim to have answers on this subject. Merely speculation and opinion that helps me enjoy a relationship with God. However odd or one-sided that may be at this time.
Fire away!