I wanted to make sure to post some links to resources for anyone who wants to see a different side of Christianity than what is portrayed on T.V. or in the media. Those of us with conservative roots might find these things a bit "edgy". While I have a lot to say about Christianity and a great deal of experience living in and/or despising the "culture" of it all, I am by no means the expert. Please spend some time looking into these things. Each one is a powerful voice for change in "our" culture, defined as this country and this world, not defined as those who agree with us, or live the way we do. These are just a few of the culture changers:
A voice for positive change
Reading this book felt like he was channeling me
A reality check for Churches
Earning the right to speak to someone's spiritual need by providing for their basic needs.
The new north american mission field
A much needed ministry to a group that is largely unknown, forgotten, or ignored
Each of these movements and ministries speak to my heart. Please share with us the movements and ministries that speak to you. If you don't know of any, maybe it's time to start looking outside your normal (paradigm).
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